... came across a bit you recognised.
Bit of ear -- toe, a nose, a tooth.
But the thing that really freaked us out that day...
... was when Left Hand CharIie found
the bit of Eddie with the tattoo on.
I mean everything eIse was burnt to a crisp,
covered in claret.
All mushed up, pulped up.
Not this bit. This bit was perfect.
And there's OId Nick chortIing
his fucking arsehole off at us!
So you could say that Eddie was right...
... that Satan did indeed save his skin,
just not all of it.
Or you could say that Eddie was just unlucky.
Either way it taught me to
keep a very open mind.
Boom boom.
Anyway... Eddie Oswald.
-To Eddie.
-To Eddie.
So, anyway, this bloke walks into a pub, right...
... with a little dog under his arm.
He puts it down on the bar, goes and sits down.
The bartender's looking at him thinking
"What the fucking hell's going on here??".
Then he looks back at the dog and,
to his surprise, the dog turns round and says...
It's a fucking cow!
Fucking hell!
Ceasefire, Terry, ceasefire.
Terry, what the hell are you doing?.
You're firing blanks, man!
Is everyone all right?.
No man, I think I've shit myself!
Is it dead?.
Oh yeah, it's dead all right.
-Christ, Iook at the state of it!
-Sod that, man, look at the state of Terry.
These aren't entry wounds --
More like teeth marks.
What are you saying, Cooper?.
What he's saying, Terry, is
it died of natural causes, mate.