We've got casualties to locate.
So, ditch your bergens,
salvage whatever weapons you can find...
... and stand to.
We are now up against live hostile targets.
So if LittIe Red Riding Hood shouId show up
with a bazooka and a bad attitude...
... I expect you to chin the bitch!
Looks Iike they got hit hard and fast.
Every magazine is full.
Nobody got off a single round.
If they lost, then where are the bodies?.
All right, corporal...
... get on the net and call in.
I want emergency airlift immediately!
I'm on it.
-HoIy shit!
Help me!
Ryan?. ! What happened here?.
Do not tell me you fucking know him?.
Captain Ryan. Special Ops.
Not the fucking dog lover?.
Spearhead Patrol, this is Spearhead Patrol.
Are you receiving?.
He Iooks Iike he took on Jack the Ripper
and came last!
I can patch him up
but he needs a medic right now!
This is emergency Code 64.
You've gotta get me out of here!
Do you understand?.
There was only supposed to be one!
We're working on it, Captain!
- Sarge.
- Not now, Spoon.
Are you receiving?.
- Shit.
- What's wrong, Bruce?.
I can't find a signal!
Didn't you check it?.
Of course I checked it!
And I double checked it and it worked fine!
All right, Bruce, stay on it, see what you can do.
... this team must have had their own coms kit.
Have a look a round, see if you can find it. Go!
... have a shufti round the camp,
see if you can find anything else useful.
- Yah, but...
- Not now, Spoon!
This is Spearhead Patrol. Are you receiving me?.
There's only supposed to be one!
Jesus! Charnel House is compromised to fuck!
-Do you copy?.
-What the hell's he doing here?.
All I know is he's Special Forces.
But if this is part of our exercise,
they're not advertising.