No cap badge, no insignia, just tags.
What, you mean it's some kind
of convert action?.
Convert action or not,
they're packing all kind of weird shit!
Tranquillizer darts, nets...
... you name it.
This is less like a Special Ops mission...
... more like a fucking safari.
Sarge, I found their radio.
-Oh shit! I don't believe it!
There was only supposed to be one!
What's he on about, sarge?.
Terry, get back on stag now.
You've got to get me out of here
before they come back!
Who, captain?. Who is going to come back?.
They tore them to pieces in front of my eyes!
He's off on one, sarge!
If we don't get him somewhere warm soon,
he's gonna die of hypothermia!
Stay with me, captain.
Ryan, stay with me!
Not now, Spoon!
I don't know if you care but in about
half an hour it's gonna be dark.
Does anybody copy?.
-Any joy?.
-Fuses are blown.
Can you fix it?.
Well, maybe it was fauIty or maybe some damp
got in the casing, but it's fried the circuits.
... it's useless, mate, bin it.
I also found this.
It was attached inside. Not part of the radio.
Look like a transmitter.
Why would they put a bug in our radio?.
it's the Kobayashi Maru test.
They've fixed it so we can't fucking win!
Button it, Spoon!
No, Terry, it's probably some joker didn't want.
Joe to hear the footy results.
Laugh?. I nearly shat!
Can we scrounge anything useful?.
Weapons, ammunition...
... couple of magnesium flares.
That's about it. The rest's fucked!
Right, Iads ditch your 80s. From here on
in the exercise is well and truly over.
Anyone not carrying Iive rounds
had better do so.
it won't make any difference.
-They won't die.
-Yeah, well...
-..this gives me better peace of mind, sir.
You want peace of mind...
... run for your Iives before they tear your Iegs
from under you!
Now you just shut up like a good gentleman!
You are scaring my lads.