What's the glue for?.
Ever wondered why the best thing that
superglue sticks together is your fingers?.
-Fucking get off!
-Give it. Give it.
Forget your grandma's china cups...
... this stuff was deveIoped for the Vietnam war
to patch up broken soldiers.
How are you feeling, sarge?.
Absolutely fucking top fucking bollocks!
Are you sure he shouId be
chasing painkillers with whisky?.
Yeah, well, he's earned it.
-Is it your birthday, Coop?.
-No, mate.
Is it my birthday?.
No, but you're gonna thank us
for this in the morning.
I'll tell you something, mate,
I'm gonna fucking thank you right now.
I'm gonna thank you because you saved my Iife.
You got me out of there, mate.
Yeah, well, you wouId have done
the same thing.
If I'd done the same fucking thing,
I would have saved Bruce -- wouldn't l?.
Yeah, fuck!
I'll tell you something, miss, right...
... this geezer here, right, is my best mate.
He's the salt of the fucking earth.
I mean, don't get me wrong, the rest of the
geezers in the squad, they're all right,
lovely fellas and stuff...
... and any single one of them could marry my...
... marry my sister -- if I had one.
I'll tell you what, I love him. I love you...
... like a mate that l... that I love.
Would you like to be alone?.