So, you've heard those stories as well then.
Yeah, I heard the stories, I went Iooking,
I found evidence.
-I was fascinated by the possibiIity that...
-You can't seriously believe in werewolves?.
Straight out of college, I'd have Iaughed
at the suggestion, but now...
... I know they're as real as you and me.
Before tonight is over, you will too.
There -- I think that will hold.
-You done this before?.
-Oh, yeah.
We gIue peopIe's gut together
all the time out here.
Everyone tooled up?.
To the nines.
You'll have a fucking eye out with that, lad.
Right, Terry, look sharp!
The rest of you...
... I know things have gone from shit to bone...
... to worse in the last twenty four hours, but...
... if we pull our weight and do the job...
...we still have a fighting chance.
No more running.
We stand, here. We fight.
Right?. -- Any questions?.
Oh, just the one, Coop.
Exactly what is it we're fighting against?.
Megan?. You want to run it past the boys?.
-You what?.
That's werewolves to you and me.
-You're taking the piss?.
-What?. Makes perfect sense to me!
What, you mean like full moons,
siIver bullets and eyebrows
that join in the middle?.
Before you dismiss it offhand,
think about what you've seen and heard.
The full moon, the teeth...
... the cIaws, the howIing.
Is it so difficult to believe?.
For a whole year now...
... I've tracked these things.
I've studied them. Tried to understand them.
Ever month, when the moon is full...
... they hunt as a team. Dedicated to the kill.
During that time, at Ieast fifteen peopIe
have vanished.
Hikers mostly. In small groups or alone.
They're caught out in the open, hunted down,
torn apart and devoured.
I've never witness the actuaI sIaughter,
but the next day...