Dog Soldiers

Captain Ryan is not one of our team.
His being here is hazy at best.
If I could tell you, I would.
But I'm just a soldier -- like you.
No stripes -- no insignia.
A suit in a uniform does not make a soldier.
He's with Special Ops.
His team were wiped out Iast night.
He was the only survivor.

I'd advise you against pursuing
this line of questioning, Private Cooper.

Are you pulling ranks on me now, captain?.
You can shove that right up your arse!
I'm saying my being here is a most point...
... since I'm now in as much shit as you are.
We're all in the same fucking shit.
And we need each other.
I doubt I need you.
You bloody did two hours ago!
The Uaths.
Crying like a baby, you were.
That was then. Circumstances change.
Uath - it's Celtic.
The family has lived in this glen for centuries.
So, what was he doing out there?.
I have an idea.
But I want to hear it from the horse's mouth.
Come to think of it, Ryan, how are you feeling?.
I'm fine.
When we found you,
you couId bareIy open your eyes,
let alone walk...

... and then later, you managed to run...
... and now Iook at you -
fighting fit and sitting pretty.

Hardly the behaviour of a man who...
... until recently, was knocking on death's door.
I have a strong constitution.
You're not bloody kidding!
Then you won't mind if I have a Iook
at that wound of yours.

I'd just as soon you didn't.
I have a responsibility to my patient.
I'm warning you, Cooper, don't touch me!
Get back!
Tie him up. I want him to talk.
