This film is based on a true story.
ln 1996, during the first Chechen war,
the bordering region of lngushetia
was threatened with invasion
by Chechen detachments.
A psychiatric hospital
was located near this border.
The inmates lived their lives
unaware of the coming events.
Persona, Hachette Premiere et Cie
and Bac Films
present a Russian-French
with the support of
the Ministry of Culture of Russia
Julia Vysotsky
Sultan lslamov
Stanislav Varkki
Elena Fomina
Marina Politseimako
Special guests:
Bryan Adams
and Eugeni Mironov
A film by Andrei Konchalovsky
Casting: Alexander Aronin
Make-up artist:
Nina Kolodkina
Svetlana Volter
Production designer:
Lubov Skorina
Editor: Olga Grinshpun
Original score:
Edward Artemiev
Director of photography:
Sergei Kozlov
Executive producer:
louri Grishin
Producers: Felix Kleiman
Andrei Konchalovsky