Good morning, my love.
He's covered in fly shit again.
Damn things!
l thought l'd killed them all.
l dreamt he sang me love songs again.
l dreamt of cocks again.
Cocks with wings like angels
flying all around me.
He's missing me so much.
He can't wait to see me.
Give it a rest.
l bet he already has a wife.
Are you stupid, Lucia, or what?
She is not a wife.
She's a girlfriend. He doesn't love her.
He knows he has a fiancee in Russia.
For the wedding day,
l'll buy a big white hat.
Hats really suit me.
Lucia! There! There it is!
Bastard! l'll beat the shit out of you!
lt's dead.
Stop pushing.
You're not getting through, l'm next!