The bird's okay.
He will outlive us all.
I tried to clean up
some of the mess in there--
overturned lamp,
broken vase.
You didn't have to
do all that.
I didn't do all that.
I left some of it...
to discuss with you.
That weird picture
you toldme
the kids were drawing?
The wiggly cross?
Is it the kids
drawing it, Joe?
Or is it you?
'Cause if you did this,
you need some help.
It's all over
the windows too.
Watch the bird for me,
will you?
Excuse me.
Excuse me. I'm looking
for Sister Madeline.
Is that--
May I ask
what this is about?
It's personal. Is that her?
- You'll have to call the office
for an appointment.
- Excuse me!
- Sir. Sir!
- Sister Madeline?
Sister Madeline,
could I speak to you?
Sister Madeline?