will be worked out
on Wednesday...
and we will have our first
run-through on Saturday.
This is one of the new songs
for our first game.
It's by E.W.F.:
Earth, Wind, and Fire.
Man: Old school.
Come on, now.
What y'all complaining about, huh?
Oh, oh, oh, I see.
Y'all think y'all a band?
All: Yes.
See, Earth, Wind, and Fire was a band.
Back in your time.
Dr. Lee: Hold it. Hold it.
So it's like that?
So, what y'all want to play?
A little Angie Stone?
All: Yeah!
What? LL CoolJ?
All: Yeah!
Snoop Doggy Dogg?
Ha ha! Ha ha!
All these artists sample
from this group, OK?
That's what we going to play.
Let's focus.
1 , 2, ready, and...
[In The Stone
By Earth, Wind & Fire Playing]
## I found that love provides the key ##
## Unlocks the heart and souls
of you and me ##
## Love will learn
to sing its song, yeah ##
## Oh, yeah,
love is written in the stone ##
Before we take a break,
we have a challenge...
for the Wilmington game.
P-3 DonnellJones...
is challenging P-2 Jayson Flore...
on the basis of musicianship...
and choreography.
Front and center.
Man, that's my roommate.
Shit, this is messed up.