Not bad, eh ?
Yeah, not bad.
I'll give you 50 zlotys [about 12$] for that.
Guys, you've made a robbery of the century or what ?
Haven't you seen Small around ?
What? Don't you know anything ?
- No ..
- It's been two days, since he's in the hospital.
Guzzled ?
- No, somebody has hurt him fucking badly.
- Not "somebody", but Brothers. Everybody knows that.
Have you seen them doing that? So why are you
saying so ?
He still hasn't regained his conciousness.
They heard them, there are no witnesses.
There won't be any lawsuit at all.
Edi.. How much would you like for that TV ?
It-- It-- It's not for s-- s-- sale.
Edi.. I'd give you 30 zlotys [about 7$] for it.
It's not for sale.
You fucking whore, you.. You dick, you..
How could you.. How fucking could you..
You fucking escaped.
Now you leave me alone, you fucking dick..
You coward.
You got bored of all this, huh ?
Alone.. you left alone a girl with a boy..
You fucking coward, you..
Fuck you.
Did you hear me, you fucking asshole ?
Fuck you.