If I were rich..
..I'd have three TVs. And one..
..in the bedroom. Second..
..in the dining-room.
Third one in the kitchen.
I'd-- I'd feel then I'm living.
Aren't you feeling like that right now ?
Eh, what sort of life do I have ?
Fu--, fu--, fuck such life.
Don't say so.
Life's life.
Would you prefer to lay under the ground?
Under the ground, like..
..Small ?
Just think...
...that there is only one Jurek Sokolow
on the world.
One and only.
Isn't that enough ?
So what ?
For me it's really much.
You--. you're getting m--, m--, mad because of all
those books of y--, yours!
What did they enable you ? Did they give you money ?
- No.
- Then what ?
- Peace.
- Pea--.
What peace ?!
Take a look, Jurek.
You don't even remember what you had been doing
the day before yesterday.
The life's on a fucking rush.
What about this ?
Take a look.
I'm opening it.
I'm reading.
If I don't understand something..
..I read it once again.
Words don't change.
They're the same all the time.
An--, and those TVs would be..
..turned on all the time.
Day a--, and night.
What for ?