So that I could see how real people live.
What about us, Jurek ?
Aren't we real ?
E--, E--, Edi..
Just a few more steps.
I--, I--, I won't m--, m--, make i--, it.
Let's have a rest.
You'll make it.
It's not far from here.
I--, I--, I-- can't.
Take it.
I knew that you had saved something from yesterday.
I kn--, knew it..
Th--.. That's wh-- what I needed.
O--, oh f--, fuck.
Hey, cutey.
Why haven't you been showing up lately ?
You're angry with us, or what ?
That's the life.
Sister has E in Polish.
Somebody should question her in a proper way.
We want you to do that.
But why me ?
Who's supposed to do that ? Him ?
You read a lot.
So you know a lot as well.
Let's say tomorrow evening.
List of reading-matters.
So that you know what questions you should ask her.