Thanks for ruining the ice pageant again,
I didn't do it for you.
I did it for the ladies.
Yeah, right.
Has there been talk about who the lucky
patch recipient may be this year or...?
That's up to who the town votes for.
Could be you or me or anybody.
All right, i'm going to get going now.
Happy holidays, your excellence.
Good night, mayor! And the answer
to your question is spencer's gifts.
They definitely have furry underwear.
You're gross.
Is it just me, or did you notice
when he said, "it could be you"...
...there was a certain sincerity
in his voice, or...?
You actually give a crap
about winning a patch?
It's only the most prestigious award
given out at the all-star banquet.
Can you imagine?
Won't you dance with me
at the annual all-star banquet?
We'll be so fancy-free
at the annual all-star banquet
everyone in town will be looking
their best
even mrs. Selman with her one
extra breast
it's the kind of a night when your
feet match
when you feel nearly 5-foot-3!
They'll laugh and they'll dance
and they'll pee in their pants
'cause there's a patch at the
all-star banquet waiting for me
can you take me home now?
Well, that was nice of davey to snap
whitey out of his little dream.
All that song was saying was
the patch means the world to whitey.
He'd rather be remembered
for his hard work...
...not for the fact that he had the
hairiest buns in the locker room.
Can you blame him?
How's that peanut brittle?