Crunchy and delicious.
Funny, i don't remember denise
or janice ringing up a purchase for you.
I guess that means i stole it.
Easy, seizure-boy!
That's it. I'm calling the judge.
Go ahead. I'll be on the first bus out.
I ain't spending 10 years in prison.
Maybe i'll just take you in myself.
Don't think you can intimidate me
just because of my size.
Why? You're smaller than me?
I didn't notice that.
Put me down! Put me down!
And get out of my car right now!
Oh, no. You're going to make me walk
10 feet? That's where i live, idiot!
Thanks for the ride, patchy.
It was great patching with you.
And i guess i'll patch you later.
I'm letting this one go, stone.
But next screwup, it's slammer time.
Got any sand or rock salt in there?
I need to get some traction.
"Got any sand or rock salt in there?
'Cause i need to get some..."
oh, shut up!
He could've at least given me a push
or something.
- Closing, channel 36 would
like to wish all of its jewish viewers...
...the very happiest of chanukahs.