It's gonna be a good night.
Let's get to it.
The award for most impressive growth
goes to a kid who began at 4-foot-2.
He is now about to take the stage
at his current height of 6-foot-5.
Donald hardy!
Get up here, you beanpole.
Saint ignatius is number one!
Hopefully that young man's getting
a weed whacker for christmas.
The mayor is very funny.
Look at davey, inches
from a clean getaway.
But there's some things you
just aren't meant to get away from.
What the hey?
Whoa! Whoa! Hang in there, betsy!
We'll make it! Whoa!
Nice driving skills, pal.
That's the strangest thing
i've ever seen.
One thumbtack popped all eight
of my back tires.
Okay. I see what you're doing.
Who you talking to? Having one of them
hippie-dippy mushroom flashbacks?
I need to go apologize to someone
before i leave.
I know you hippies don't wear watches,
but it should be fixed in 30 minutes.
I'll see you then.
Run, hippie! Run!
I'm just here to say i'm sorry
to the little guy. I swear.
If i give myself a wedgie
will you believe me then?
Glad we could work that out.
I can't believe i'm in the same room
as the mayor.
I can't believe how many rolls
you put in your purse.
It'll be a nice snack for february.