Eight Legged Freaks

Good Lord.
I've been warning you for years,
but you wouldn 't listen.

Now it' s emerging as a trend
in our sleepy little town.

The police wire says Bob Stuck's
dog Skippy's missing.

It's the fourth missing-pet call
we've had today.

It's strange. It's strange.
People are saying it's coyotes,
it's wolves. But we know the truth.

We all know about those cows
and the probe.

The anal probe.
Let's talk about the probe. Let's talk
about the anal probe. What is that?.

What are they looking for?.
That's just wrong.

Skippy didn't do anything to anybody.
He doesn't deserve that!

What will you find in a dog's--?.
It's just wrong!

You're all ostriches with
your heads in the dirt.

Which just leaves your ass
up in the air!

You're inviting the aliens in! They
have no choice but to probe your butt.

Aunt Gladys, how can you listen
to this wacko?.

I think he's very informative.
Do Floyd and Leroy still
have that barbershop?.

Good idea. People are talking.
