Close the door.
Is everything okay with Caneva?
Yes, sir.
- Have you noticed anything odd?
- No, no.
Keep your eyes wide open
and your mouth shut.
You only report to me,
is that clear?
Some ancient tribes
worshipped the moon, you know.
It's so very clear today.
Are those creatures
watching us, Caneva?
They're always
watching everything we do
and say.
That's why they are so angry
at us.
Hey, look...
- Wait, wait...
- Which one do you prefer?
Wait, I want to see it
on you.
Leave the spaghetti,
leave them there.
Come on,
try it on.
Stay still.
- I want you to take care of yourself.
- Okay.
- Yes?
- Come on, let's go.
Stop, stop.
I want to see it on you.
We will now give their diplomas
to the new police officers
of Buenos Aires.
Constable Mendez, Sixto Omar