God grant you more.
We pray for your help all over the world,
for your message...
God grant you more.
...and for our Holy Father John Paul II...
...and all of us who are working...
- God grant you more.
...all of us gathered here...
...fulfill us with your love and friendship.
- God grant you more.
This is the Lamb of God
who takes away the sins of the world.
Fortunate the ones invited
to the supper of the Lord.
Lord, I am not worthy to receive you...
...but only say the word
and I shall be healed.
The body of Christ.
- The body of Christ.
- Amen.
- The body of Christ.
- Amen.
- The body of Christ.
- Amen.
- The body of Christ.
- Amen.
The body of Christ.
Amelia likes the new priest.
- Is that priest new?
- Are you mad?