Is she a girl?
Her name is Getsemani.
That's how Father Benito baptized her.
Can she talk?
When she wants to.
Come on, Getsemani, say hello
to Father Amaro.
Hello, hello.
But she understands everything.
Do you think the devil is
inside her, Father?
No, of course not.
Father Benito exorcised her once.
What do the doctors say?
They've tried everything
and nothing works.
Not doctors, nor witch doctors.
Now I just give her some pills...
...to calm her down!
That's it, that's it. Look, look.
Do it! Look, look!
- Goal! What a goal!
- No, Father, he was offside.
- That's a goal.
- He was offside.
You're not even watching the game.
Turn that off, damn it.
- There are only five minutes left.
- Not another minute!
Let's get to business.
I don't think anyone else is coming.
Father Galvan is in the kitchen.
We could finish watching the game.
No matter.
What were you talking about?
The game, Father. What else?
Father Amaro here was giving
us his view on celibacy.
Yes. If celibacy were optional...
...the church would avoid
a lot of trouble, don't you think?
That's bullshit!
You'd sooner see a Mexican pope
than an end to the vow of celibacy.
Besides, what do we care?
What we care about now...
...are the accusations against you...
...Father Natalio.