There's no worse politics
than black politics.
Fucking priests.
Don't let your party hear you,
they'll burn you alive.
I govern for the people,
not the party.
No shit?
For his activities, I'll take Father
Natalio out of his community.
He swears there are no guerrillas
in his area.
I'll lock him up with the nuns.
Let him take care of them.
- Bishop, if you will allow me an opinion...
- Relax, son.
I know how tiresome all this is for you.
But first we have to get the work done.
Then you will come to my side...
...and learn to run the diocese.
- Thank you.
- Goodbye, son.
Isn't that excessive?
No, it seems fair to me.
What if we decide not to run
your rebuttal?
Your newspaper is doing well.
The readers have trusted us for years.
We always report the truth.
And is truth supported by readers,
or ads?
It would only take the bishop
one phone call...
...to end the advertising.
He wouldn't do such a thing, of course.
The rebuttal is to go on the front page,
in big type.