All right, all right.
You serve.
Forgive him,
he's going through rough times.
His girlfriend dumped him
for a homo.
How could she dump him
for a homo?
The guy used to be one.
He isn't any more.
Sure. Everything isn't
always black or white.
we're all bisexual anyway.
It was obvious, Pedro.
I saw it coming. You know why?
You were too nice to her.
Women hate that.
The worse you treat them,
the hornier they get.
You're too soft, Pedro.
You're lucky to be rid of her.
-That's right, Pedro.
-Girlfriends are the worst.
-Right, Carlos?
-Yeah, but...
No buts. Look at Carlos.
Happily single.
Now it's your turn.
You can do whatever you want
without answering to anybody.
And consider this:
girlfriends never last.
But an ex-girlfriend lasts forever.
You can fuck her whenever you want.
-It's been proven.
But you and victoria
have been going out since...
So what? Sure, I live with victoria.
But I screw all the women I can.
That's the trick.
Know what's wrong with this country?
People don't fuck enough.
Forget what the sociologists say.
I've learned what I know
from life itself.
-What's your point?
-What's your point?
-Shit, Pedro.
Don't interrupt me.
People go crazy.
Why? Lack of sex.
When you become a couple
you screw less.
-Nobody knows why, but it's true.
-Not me.
So people end up unhappy.
What about me?
I fuck like a champ.
I have a girlfriend
but I screw around,
which is what keeps us happy
and together. Like in Cuba.
Cubans are living on food rations,