Just walking.
Listen. I've been thinking.
It's no good your
not having any furniture.
You must let me buy you a sofa.
May I buy you a sofa?
So that's leather.
It's leather.
- Is it comfy?
- Yes.
- It really supports your back.
- Yes, it does.
It's an incredibly lovely sofa.
We sell lots of them.
But it's very dark.
Haven't you a lighter model?
Not this one. We have
other sofas that are lighter.
But this one is incredibly practical.
You wipe it with a damp cloth.
And if it tears you can
patch it with your trousers.
We'll take it.
I saw something over here, too.
- Do you only have one of these?
- No, we've lots.
- We'll take two of them.
- Two of them.
We'd like to look at a bed.
In that case you'll have
to move down the bus, please.
Straight ahead and
turn left by the stairs.
Then sharp left again.
I'll be with you in a moment.
- Sharp... left.
- It was brown.
- Aren't you coming up?
- Yes. It's very clever.
If we have a row we won't have
to turn our backs on each other.
I see you've found
the mattresses.
They're incredibly lovely
mattresses. Elevating mattresses.
I was wondering what
the benefits of this position are.
It's incredibly comfortable if you
like watching TV or reading in bed.
Lots of people do.
Yes, I can tell.
It's actually a pleasant position.