
All right.
I mean, we're talking
about a Wall Street guy.

Ifyou're gonna do this, go in knowing
that he's not smarter than you.

You hear me?.
Rafrael Menendez...
younger brother of Joanna Menendez,
La Colombiana.

I've seen her maybe three or four times
in the ten years I've worked for her.

She don't like people
to know who she is...

so she sends Rafael
to do all her business.

He's someone you definitely
don't wanna fuck with.

So basical ly, bottom I i ne, what
I 'm aski ng you is for approval. Okay?.

'Cause Tito's gonna go to war, man...
and if I don't respond hard,
this shit's gonna be mad out of control.

You know what I'm sayin', right?.
Tito's a stupid motherfucker.
I know that.
He's been a pain in our asses
for a long time.

Just make sure
this is overwith quick.

Yeah, man, no doubt. I'm about
winning, I'm not about fighting.

Of course, surely this has nothing to do
with you wanting a piece ofhis action.

We're gonna give you Tito's spots
down to Prospect.

Hector and Negro
will split up what's left over.

All right.
She told me she appreciates
you coming to us about this.

I only do business
with you people, man.

She's always appreciated
a good businessman.

Yeah. Same.
Look, I got a little token of
appreciation foryour sister.

No doubt.
She really appreciates everything,
you know.

What areyou so impressed for?.
He ain't nobody.

'Cause ifit wasn't for them,
we wouldn't be where we're at right now.

Man, stop sweatin' it.
You want his balls.

No, you sweat the small stuff.
You don't see the big picture.
That's your problem.

My brother would say, " Keep your homies
close and keep your beef even closer"
