
Theysay that good-looking people
look good even in garbage bags.

Yeah, but I'll take Armani,
just like Jack.

I got the suit and the sweater.
- Let me take care of my shit.
- I t's not even my money.

I t's a corporate card.
Seriously, it's fine.

- How are you?.
- I'm okay.

- It's good to see you.
- Look at you!

- So, how are you?.
- I'm good.

I miss the old neighborhood though.
You know, my moms.
Vic really likes it.
He seems relaxed.

- How's the pregnancy going?.
- Good.

Look atyou.
Bad morning sickness every now and then,
but other than that it's all good.

I mean, is Vic taking care ofyou
and all that?.

Yeah. You know, regular stuff.
He doesn't let me do anything.
- I can't even cook anymore.
- That's great. I hate to cook.

Yeah, well, I can't even get him to eat
Spanish food anymore. How about that?.

Yo, Vic!
It's fuckin' Vic!

- What's the deal, yo?.
- You better have your ghetto pass.

You see?. That's the pretty
motherfucker right there.

Loud-ass Puerto Ricans, man.
What's the deal, yo?.
- Son, what's up, huh?.
- What's up?.

Lookin' sharp, spiffy.
- How are you?.
- Good.

- Mama!
- It's been like a fucking year!

High-class jibaro.
- What's up, man?.
- What's up?. How's your dick hangin'?.

Yo, listen, yo, how you doin'?.
Whereyou been?.

Just workin', man, doin' my shit.
This and that, yada, yada, you know.

It's her mother's birthday.
Gonna go see her mom.
You know how her mom is. Let's go.

It's all right.
Aw, come on, man.
We ain't seen you in forever.

- Give me a holler. You got my number.
- Vic, we gotta go.

Where we gotta go?.
We ain't got nothin' to do.

- Yo, what's up?.
- Holler at me, man.
