Please tell me, Phil, as Mitch was rather vague...
...is her father dead, too?
Well, he is to her.
He left when she was maybe two or three.
-Then l'm happy to pay for the wedding.
-Yes, we're very happy.
You sure you love me?
Forever and ever?
You're safe with me, Slim.
You're safe, and it's okay to be happy.
We deserve it.
-Wait, so this was during or after college?
What's wrong with you?
No, l mean, why did you and Slim break up?
l'm terrible in bed.
Plus, she had to drop out,
some money problems...
...and so we kind of evolved into being friends.
What do you think?
Can l take you home right now?
lf you've got a sense of humor.
My kids are out for tonight--
l live in Seattle.
Women always want the possibility of long-term.
l didn't just propose.
l just thought that maybe we could...
...have a brief,
totally unsatisfying sexual encounter.