l always thought you'd come back here with me,
but not eight years later.
Well, if l had known how pretty it was....
This place really sparkles!
You know what they call it? The Emerald City.
lsn't that where Dorothy is?
No, sweetie,
that's where Dorothy goes in her dream.
Where is she when she wakes up?
Back in Kansas.
-All right, game time. Duck your heads.
-Pigeon poop.
Why did you come to me?
l tried to think of the last time that l felt safe.
Then l saw your face.
And, l wanted a place that...
...M-l-T-C-H wouldn't think of.
-And someone who was stupid enough to do it.
-Anybody here like hot fudge sundaes?
l do. l do.
-FBl. Can we talk?
-Go ahead.