l wrote you, like, 20 times.
But even when Mom died you didn't answer.
-l didn't have enough money to bury her.
-Don't blame me. l didn't kill her.
No. You had help.
That's a stupid thing to say.
What do you want? Money?
l wanted Gracie to meet her grandpa.
And, yes, we need money to survive.
Look, sweetheart...
...from 1968-1972, l had five kids. Maybe more.
Half the people in that room could be my kid.
lt's a running joke around here.
How will you feel when you wake up one day
and find out your daughter is dead?
And you didn't do anything to help?
You're good. The kid's a sweet touch, too.
But you're not the first to think of this gig
since that Fortune article.
So l'll give you the same thing
l gave the other three.
$6. Enough to buy a sandwich.
But for you, l'll make it $12.
Make sure you buy the kid a sandwich, too.
l believe this originally belonged to you.
Pawn it, since you're so hard up.
l'm sure it's worth more than $12.
Mommy, don't cry.
Please don't cry.