You always knew.
"But I, being poor...
have only my dreams."
"I have spread my dreams
under your feet.
"Tread softly...
because you tread
on my dreams."
I assume you dream, Preston.
I'll do what I can
to see they go easy on you.
We both know...
they never go easy.
Then I'm sorry.
No, you're not.
You don't even know
the meaning.
It's just a... vestigial word
for a feeling
you've never felt.
Don't you see, Preston?
It's gone.
Everything that makes us
what we are... traded away.
There's no war.
No murder.
What is it you think we do?
You've been with me.
You've seen how it can be...
the jealousy, the rage.
A heavy cost.
I'd pay it gladly.