or you can tell me now.
Who are your friends?
I'm wondering if you have
any idea at all
what that word means...
There's nothing
you don't feel?
How about guilt?
Let me ask you something.
Why are you alive?
I'm alive...
I live...
...to safeguard the continuity
of this great society.
To serve Libria.
It's circular.
You exist to continue
your existence.
What's the point?
What's the point
of your existence?
To feel.
'Cause you've never done it,
you can never know it.
But it's as vital as breath.
And without it...
without love,
without anger,
without sorrow...
breath is
just a clock ticking.
Then I have no choice
but to remand you
to the Palace of Justice
for processing.
You mean execution, don't you?
The Gun Katas.
Through analysis of thousands
of recorded gunfights,
the Cleric has determined