Grab it.
Grab it!
Sir... toss it back in.
I'll finish it off.
Give it to me, sir.
Give it to him, Cleric.
He'll finish it.
It seems to me that...
at least some of these animals
ought to be tested for disease.
If there's an epidemic
in the Nether,
it's best we know about it.
I don't quite follow
your logic, Cleric.
They were Resistance.
They could have led us
to the Underground.
But instead of apprehension
and interrogation,
they were slaughtered.
Yes, but, Cleric,
given the circumstances,
the Father has decreed
that there will be no more
"process" for sense offenders.
They are either to be
shot on sight
or incinerated without a trial.
But it's counter to law.
You're a member
of the Council. Lf...
It is not the will
of the Council,
it is the will of Father...
and he is law.
without the logic of process,
is it not just mayhem...
what we have worked so hard
to eradicate?
You must understand, Preston,
that while you... and even I...
may not always agree with it,
it is not the message
that is important,
it is our obedience to it.
Father's will.
Call it faith.
You have it, I assume?