Maurice, give him the ball back.
l hear her fancy man is English.
Bastard. l might have guessed.
Good day, gentlemen.
l'm lnspector Logan of the SPCC.
Mrs. Daisley, your mother-in-law, l believe,
told us of your plight.
The Society
for Prevention of Cruelty to Children?
That's correct.
ls she saying
that l've been cruel to my kids?
Not at all, Mr. Doyle.
We only have the children's welfare at heart.
To lose their mother at this age
can have a traumatizing effect.
How's that any business of yours?
l'm here to help you.
l understand you've no income
to support your family.
Do you have any female relatives
to call upon?
Maureen. Des' mother, died a long time ago.
Then, Mr. Doyle, you have no choice but
to approach the authorities for assistance.
l will arrange for the Sisters to call.
We don't need your charity.
You have no job
and no mother for your children.
He's right, son.
All right.
Send in the nuns.
Sit still.
But l don't like cabbage.
lt is very good for you.
Eat it up. l don't want to hear about it.
You are a painter and decorator by trade,
but your attempts to secure employment...
since your wife's departure
have been unsuccessful.
Yes, sir. Your Honor.
But it's only been a couple of weeks.