And there's a big job coming up
at the Robert West House...
but that's not until the end of March.
And you have no other source of revenue?
Sir, my father, Henry,
who's sitting here, and myself...
we're setting up a tour of the Dublin pubs.
Surely that will represent expenditure
rather than income.
No, Your Honor.
We'll be playing music for money.
My father was a professional musician.
He played for Radio Eireann
until retirement age.
Dessie has a fine voice, Your Honor.
l'm sure he has.
But you won't be able to support your family
on that alone, will you?
Maybe not, Your Honor.
Under Section 10
of the Children's Act, 1941 ...
l hereby rule that
until there is a significant improvement...
in the domestic and financial circumstances
of Desmond Doyle...
his two sons, Dermot and Maurice...
will be placed in care
of the Christian Brothers in Kilkenny...
and his daughter, Evelyn Doyle...
will be committed
to St. Joseph's School in Dublin.
And l hope you don't have to leave them
in care for too long.
Come here. Come sit down.
-l wanna go home.
-l know you wanna go home.
We're gonna go home soon. Listen.
l love you very much.
You must understand that.