Look at the rays.
-Do you know what these are?
-No, Granddad.
Angel rays.
-Angel rays?
These mean that your guardian angel is
reminding you that he's waiting to help you.
All you have to do is believe in him.
Angel rays.
Look, pet, your favorites.
He's helping you already.
Granddad, please don't leave me here.
l don't want to stay here with the Sisters.
l hate them!
They're the Brides of Christ.
Then why do they wear
black, horrible dresses?
Brides should wear white dresses!
What's going on?
Have you been bold, young lady?
lt's all right.
l just dropped a tube of fruit gums.
-Come along, now.
Granddad, please don't go.
-Let go, now.
-Let go of me!
Please, Granddad!
Please be a good girl for the Sisters.
l'll come back and see you soon.
Disgraceful performance.
We'll teach you some manners in here.
We'll get you cleaned up,
you dirty little tinker.
Mr. Doyle.
Sister, please don't cut her hair.
lt's her father's pride and joy.