Come on, sit down.
You can call me Felicity.
What's your name?
Evelyn Doyle.
Pleased to meet you.
Pleased to meet you, Sister Felicity.
Good afternoon, ladies.
Could you spare a few pence
for the poor black babies of Africa?
-Here you are.
-lt's a very good cause.
Thanks, God bless you.
You're very generous.
-Give us another pint, please.
-You've had enough.
Listen to you....
l'm sick of people telling me what to do.
You just get us another pint.
-Just a few pennies from you, there?
-There you go, Father.
Those little orphans,
they really need your charity.
you lot have taken my babies!
You've made my babies orphans.
Fair play to you.
That's a great right cross
you have on you there.
Right, here we are.
Quiet! Too much talking.
Just down here, love.
Down you sit.
Don't let my teeth fool you. l don't bite.
She's a sweetheart, that Sister Felicity.
lt's Frigid Brigid you've got to watch out for.
She could put the fear of death
into a corpse, so she could.
l'm Mary.
-l'm Annette.
-l'm Lauren.
l'm Evelyn.
-Your soup doesn't look very good.
-You'll get used to it.
You get used to most things here.
Half the kids in lreland are cooped up here.
How long have you been here for?