
So, you're the beautiful niece
Fergal's always bragging about.

l bet you have lots of fellows
running after you.

Yes. But none of them
have managed to catch me yet.

You're not a bad-looking woman,
now that l look at you.

Of course, with this bump on my head,
l'm probably hallucinating.

Bless you, John.
Once again,
until we achieve unity and harmony.

Where do we say our night prayers?
Not in the bed...
not under the bed, but by the bed.
Then kneel by your beds and give thanks.
Get a move on, Evelyn.
You're keeping us all waiting.

We do not lie like that, on our stomach.
lt tempts the Devil.

We lie on our back
and cross our arms like this.

l will check every night
that you are sleeping in this position.

We must not tempt Lucifer.
No more talking. Good night, girls.
Good night, Sister.
Mr. Doyle, family law in this jurisdiction...
is a cozy conspiracy between
the Catholic Church and the lrish State.

They're in cahoots.
You're saying that you're all frightened
if you take them on, you'll never work again.

Something like that.
l suggest you come back to me when
your circumstances are more favorable...

and l'll see what l can do.
On the banks of the roses,
my love and I sat down

And I took out my fiddle,
for to play my love a tune

In the middle of the tune
she sighed and she said
