Dad. Someone get a doctor.
Here, Johnny!
Go and run for a doctor, quick!
l'm here.
-l'm here, Dad.
-The kids.
-We'll get them back.
You and l, together.
Henry, it's Father O'Malley.
lf you can hear me,
say the Act of Contrition.
Look, angel rays.
What's angel rays, love?
lt's Granddad letting us know
he's watching over us.
He's our guardian angel.
He told me all about angel rays.
Good old Dad.
l knew he wouldn't leave us.
-Good morning, Miss Gilhooly.
-Mr. Doyle.
-Didn't you get the letter?
-What letter?
The one canceling this appointment.
l didn't get any letter.
l've taken this morning
especially off work to see him.
This is my family we're talking about.
Where is he?