Provision of the Children's Act...
must be understood in its literal,
grammatical meaning.
''Both parents'' means exactly that.
l therefore find against the petitioner,
Desmond Doyle.
Thank you, Judge Hall.
Judge McLaughlin?
With some reluctance,
l conclude that l, too, must find against...
the petitioner's application
and uphold the Minister's decision.
-We've lost.
-That's absolutely ridiculous!
-Order in court!
-You rotten louses. Let his babies go home.
Silence, or l shall have the court cleared.
-Silence in court!
-He's loving this. The rodent.
lt is incontrovertible...
that Section 10,
Subsection 1 of the Children's Act, 1941 ...
requires the consent of both parents.
ln the absence of such consent,
Evelyn Doyle and her brothers...
will remain in custody
until they are 16 years of age.
Furthermore, this court has decided...
that since the Children's Act
is capable of no other interpretation...
any appeal
would be a waste of the court's time.
Right of appeal is therefore denied.
-No, you flea-faced rat!
-Who said that?
Was that you, Connolly?
This is Hugh Canning,
the man who broke the Doyle story...
covering this sensational new development.
Leave them alone.
Get your hands off my kids!
-Leave me alone!
Unbelievable scenes here at the High Court.
l've never seen anything like it.
Desmond Doyle struggles with the gardai
for possession of his children.
A pitiful scene to watch.
And who wouldn't sympathize with a father
in this situation?