I'll be there
Just turns got a little more
money in the budget..
That's nice
- Whoa, i'm sick..
- No, you are prick
- Whatever
I know there are CIA, pop.
- I can smell it..
- You are paranoid
Why would anybody be looking for me?
The CIA think i'm dead..
It makes no sense why come here to shoot commercial, huh?
It's not either reason we should get out.
It is beautiful.. And no one knows about it..
Listen.. they can not see you.. Understand? If they do..
All our plans goes to hell..
If we don't blow up the court in Holland, before 48 hours..
They will find out everything..
Our people would be jailed for the rest of their lifes..
And you... Behind it again..
Why take chances. Why not just kill them?
I love this boy..
Russian talk
I think... we are in trouble..
No, not a guy, i want girl.. I wanna blonde, well stand..
Guys, come on!!!
All freaking lasts. My bags are right here...
I got massage appointment in one hour and a half....
So come on.. .
So lets get the show on the road..
- What?
- What what?
Lets go employees before this bloody weather change
and everything nasty, ok?