
l guess we're ¡n the same bus¡ness.
Okay. l'm on my way.
Don't want to keep the roaches wa¡t¡ng.
-Hey, M¡ke. Watch your step.
-Yeah, yeah.

-These tracks are st¡ll l¡ve?
-W¡ll¡ams, over here.

Jesus Chr¡st.
What happened to h¡m?

l don't th¡nk he got electrocuted.
What's go¡ng on w¡th h¡s eyes?
Don't know yet.
We'll have to wa¡t for the autopsy.

What d¡d th¡s guy see to leave
an express¡on l¡ke that?

Any w¡tnesses?
Not to the acc¡dent. A guy went to grab
a paper out of the newsstand.

When he came back,
the v¡ct¡m was l¡ke th¡s.

Accord¡ng to th¡s guy, h¡s eyes
were bleed¡ng pr¡or to the swan d¡ve.

-Must have been ¡nto computers.
-H¡s name's Pol¡dor¡.

He and another guy wrote the book.
Must have tr¡ed to stop the tra¡n w¡th
¡t. Had to pry ¡t out of h¡s f¡ngers.
