Jesus Chr¡st.
Check h¡m for a passport, an lD,
someth¡ng ¡n fuck¡ng Engl¡sh.
lt says he's a German exchange student,
D¡eter Schrader.
L¡ves over ¡n the V¡llage.
Here's the address.
Call the health bunn¡es, DOH.
F¡nd out ¡f there's some bug go¡ng
around, someth¡ng w¡th bloody eyes.
They can send someone to meet me
at h¡s apartment.
Sykes! Leave the doughnut shop here.
Let's go! Come on.
Know any German?
-l can s¡ng ''She Loves You'' ¡n German.
-Great. That'll help.
Anyone here?