-l wouldn't touch her just yet.
Actually, Terry Huston,
Department of Health.
-Detect¡ve Re¡lly. You got here fast.
Goddamn ¡t.
-What do you make of th¡s?
-Th¡s ¡s really fasc¡nat¡ng.
She's d¡splay¡ng poss¡ble s¡gns of a
hemorrhag¡c v¡rus. Someth¡ng l¡ke Ebola.
Excuse me.
-Reilly, we got a problem.
Sykes! Hello? Sykes? What are
you do¡ng? Call the coroner.
Yeah, r¡ght.
What ¡s ¡t?
You better get back to the station.
l got a dead g¡rl, a woman from DOH
say¡ng we have a ser¡ous problem.
-l'm not go¡ng anywhere.
-I think you better get back here.
And bring the DOH with you.
Do you have a plast¡c bag?
-That's ev¡dence.
Excuse me. Excuse me.
-That's German. lt means ''murderer.''
-l got that. What's w¡th the 48?
Don't know.
Barlow, what happened here?
The guys sa¡d he was talk¡ng
to h¡mself. That's ¡t.
We'll know more when we get h¡m
to the morgue.
All r¡ght, stand back.