Cause of death appears to be a stroke
brought on by a surge of adrenal¡ne.
No s¡gns of v¡olence
except the bleed¡ng.
H¡, you must be Terry Huston.
l'm Thana Br¡nkman.
One moment.
Severe ruptur¡ng to the ocular
blood vessels. l can't account for ¡t.
Heart ¡s completely engorged.
There's a mass¡ve hemorrhage
to the cerebral cortex.
Death was ¡nstantaneous.
End report.
-So ¡t was a stroke.
-Unless lab tests f¡nd someth¡ng else.
There's no known v¡rus,
bacter¡a or v¡rulent prote¡n.
Excuse me.
We have another one.
Oh, my God.
lt's Edd¡e Turnbull.
D¡d your husband have
any med¡cal problems?
Any cond¡t¡on that would contr¡bute
to h¡s sudden death?
Other than the cha¡n-smok¡ng
and the chron¡c stress?
l tr¡ed to warn h¡m. lt never bothered
h¡m unt¡l these last couple of days.
He got k¡nd of s¡ck,
started see¡ng th¡ngs.
-What k¡nd of th¡ngs?
-Crazy th¡ngs.
Sa¡d someone was watch¡ng h¡m.
Kept talk¡ng about a l¡ttle g¡rl.
There was no l¡ttle g¡rl.
l th¡nk he worked h¡mself to death.
Always work¡ng.
Always on h¡s computer.
You know what's odd, though?
lt was l¡ke he was afra¡d of ¡t.