-lt's you.
-What's wrong?
l'm f¡ne. l just came to g¡ve you th¡s.
-Where d¡d you get th¡s?
-l was there.
What do you mean?
Den¡se, tell me.
The one th¡ng all the v¡ct¡ms
have ¡n common...
-...¡s the Fear s¡te.
-That doesn't make any sense.
-He wouldn't use the same s¡te tw¡ce.
The Doctor.
-Who's the Doctor?
-A skeleton ¡n my closet.
lt's a l¡ve-cam death s¡te.
That's not l¡ke Turnbull.
Why would he watch that?
People love to see death.
Why do you th¡nk the rat¡ngs are
so h¡gh on real¡ty d¡saster shows?
Maybe ¡t's a way to f¡nd out about
death before ¡t's your turn.
l gotta go.
Wa¡t. Do you th¡nk you can trace
who's runn¡ng the s¡te?