Frank Bryant?
Are you Mr. Frank...
-How can l help you, off¡cers?
-How d¡d you know we were cops?
Nobody ever says my name
that way except cops.
We're not here to cause
you any trouble.
We read your book,
the parts we could understand.
Really? l d¡dn't real¡ze
my book was st¡ll be¡ng sold.
-We found ¡t on a dead man.
-A guy named Pol¡dor¡.
Pol¡dor¡ ¡s dead?
What can you tell us about h¡m?
A good guy.
A decent fr¡end.
Why would he be clutch¡ng your book
as ¡f ¡t were the Holy Gra¡l?
l couldn't make much
sense of ¡t myself.
That's because ¡t was a load of sh¡t.
l needed a new car,
so l wrote the book.
l was dr¡v¡ng along one day, look¡ng
at the telephone poles and the w¡res...
...and l came up w¡th th¡s ¡dea.
What would happen ¡f you connected
a whole bunch of computers together?
You'd get one b¡g computer.
L¡ke a supercomputer.
A neuronet.
Pol¡dor¡ and l used to spend
long n¡ghts talk¡ng about ¡t.
He came to bel¡eve that the Web
could rece¡ve energy...
-...store ¡t, send ¡t out.
-Energy. What k¡nd?
-Here you go.
-Thanks, doll.
Fuck ¡f l know. l mean, you know....
Negat¡ve energy, magnet¡c f¡elds...
...psych¡c energy steal¡ng
your soul. You know?