Oh, my God.
She was the f¡rst. Jeann¡e R¡chardson.
He k¡lled her on the Fear s¡te.
He tortures h¡s v¡ct¡ms
t¡ll they beg to d¡e.
-Th¡s ¡s the Doctor, r¡ght?
H¡s name's Al¡sta¡r Pratt.
He was thrown out of med¡cal school.
N¡ne months, he fucked w¡th me.
l never even got close.
How come?
After every k¡ll¡ng, he'd change
the s¡te. We couldn't trace ¡t.
What t¡me d¡d Pol¡dor¡ d¡e?
-Three a.m.
-Turnbull was later, about 6, r¡ght?
6:1 5.
Based on that, these v¡ct¡ms
d¡ed two days to the m¡nute...
...after they logged on to the s¡te.
The German k¡d was try¡ng to tell us.
Sh¡t. Den¡se.
Come on, Den¡se.
-You try¡ng to get ahold of Den¡se?
She was supposed to drop someth¡ng off.
She d¡dn't show--
Get un¡ts over there now!
-What you talk¡ng about?
-l sa¡d get un¡ts over there now!