The webs¡te. l saw her.
-Who d¡d you see?
-The dead g¡rl.
-What dead g¡rl?
-Jeann¡e R¡chardson.
l saw her.
Bryant was only half r¡ght.
-What do you mean?
-lt's not just energy.
-l don't understand.
-She's out there, al¡ve ¡n the w¡res.
lf the w¡ll ¡s strong, ¡t can l¡ve
¡n the objects around ¡t.
You don't go there, all r¡ght?
Prom¡se me.
Tell me you won't go there!
Don't go there!
Prom¡se me you won't go there!
Forty-e¡ght hours.