I don't like the thing
in my closet.
Wait a minute...
You were...
I could have swore...
I'm getting too old for this stuff...
You know it'sjust a coat
in your closet, right?
Sometimes it is
and sometimes it isn't.
Where else d'you wanna look?
There's only so many places in this
house someone could be hiding, right?
Let's go!
- Feeling any better?
- I'm sorry.
- Sorry about what?
- I can't help it. Itjust...
You know what thunder is, right?
- God bowling?
- No. It's God playing drums.
He's in a speed-metal band
called "Holy War".
Pretty good band actually but...
Hey, lighten up!
- Take it easy!
- The lights went out!
- I know they did. Just calm down!
- Make the lights come back on!
- I want mom!
- She's not here, Ryan!
Calm down! Jesus, Ry!
You're getting on my nerves O.K.?
Nothing's going to happen
to you, alright? I'm here...
Oh my God, I heard that!
Did you hear that?
I didn't hear anything.
You're acting all crazy.
- I am not crazy!
- Just stop it!
What are you looking at?
What are you looking at, Ryan?
Tell me what you're looking at!
I don't know. What?
Ryan, what are you looking at?
It's the night things.
It's starting...
Look Ryan, you're scaring
the crap out of me!
Listen! Listen!
There's nothing there in the dark,
that's not there in the light.
You always say yes when Mom
and Dad say it. Just listen to me!