Krasna postelja.
Jaz imam belo.
Res prima.
Morata se oglasiti pri meni.
Kaj dela? tudiram.
Prima. Vèasih sem tudi jaz.
Nehala sem,
ker ni bilo denarja.
Povej mi kaj o sebi.
Pravijo, da znam posluati.
Odprla bom psihiatrièno
ordinacijo. Skuhaj nama kavo.
Prima kava.
Smem prigati cigareto?
Po pepelnik stopim.
K vragu, moja najljuba
obleka je unièena.
Unièena je.
And your bed, it's great...
I got myself a white one.
This is cool, but you have to come and see
my apartment. What are you doing?
I'm studying.
Cool! I used to study, but then said to myself,
my dear, there's no money in that.
Tell me something about yourself. They say
I'm great listener. I'll open a private practice...
I forgot to mention that,
I'll be a shrink.
Why dont you... make some coffee?
It's great coffee.
May I smoke, I mean, I have to smoke.
I'll get you an ashtray.
Bloody hell... it's my favourite dress...
and now it's destroyed.