Come on.
We'll miss our bus.
- Frida!
- Excuse me.
How much is the calaca?
Frida, come on!
- The bus!
- We'll take the next one.
No, no, no!
Come, come, come!
W-Watch out. Hey! Hey.
Anyway, I just don't think
he's completely apolitical.
That's all.
But that's because you read it
after you read Marx.
You... you always read things
in the wrong order!
That's ridiculous.
Why should it matter
what order you read it in?
Because if you have
already read Marx,
then of course Hegel is
going to seem political.
But the truth is the idea
of history as a dialectic.
It just predicts Marx...
Is that gold? Real gold?
For the ceiling
of the opera house.
Move it, idiot!
Your brake!